Project Overview/ Challenges:
The customer was concerned with In-transit Data Security for some time. As a result, they were looking forward to performing Services Migration from Java to MuleSoft and Microservices. The legacy system used SOAP On-premises and was required to be modernized and moved to Cloud. In addition, the output format of the legacy system also had bugs that required to be resolved.The End-users of this data are Bank customers, and the type of data includes Student Loans (Loan Data),Holiday Calendars, Statements Commit Checker, Member Communication Preferences, Member Notifications,Retirement Account Details, Retirement Account Transactions, etc.
Our Solution:
Allwyn team introduced MuleSoft to enhance the overall data security and migrated the legacy Java functions to Microservices and MuleSoft. Our team developed over 150 MuleSoft proxies and moved them into production.Some examples of the developed MuleSoft proxies include:
● Posting Holiday Calendar
● Statements
● Commit Checker
● Member Communication Preferences
● Member Notifications
● Retirement Account Details
● Retirement Account Transactions
We leveraged Microservices for logic(s) implementation for data operations. For instance, If the user wishes to retrieve data – for example, account info (1234). Our developed MuleSoft proxies will take account id to Microservices. Microservice will then perform the operation based on defined logic and return the data/info back to MuleSoft. This helped the customer avoid the vulnerability of exposing data.We are also implementing Business Continuity rules to a list of 258 different APIs out of which 100+ are in production.
Pertinent Results:
With the modernization/ Services Migration, the credit union was able to tighten its data security and was able to realize the benefits Cloud provides over on-premises thus eliminating issues with the legacy system.The customer was also able to resolve the output format of the data.